Partnerships with research, educational and cultural institutions

The DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service) is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and researchers.

Each year, many students at the German Philology Section receive scholarships for summer courses awarded by the DAAD, along with full Master’s degree scholarships for students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree at the German Philology Section at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.

The OeAD (The Austrian Agency for International Cooperation in Education and Research) promotes academic exchange and partnership aimed at the academic advancement of young researchers through scholarship programmes in various research fields. OeAD’s lectureship programme currently covers 97 lectureships across the world. Thanks to the OeAD, the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies has had an Austrian lecturer uninterruptedly since the 1990s.

The agency for Culture and Palaces is a specialised institution which provides advice to the Danish minister of culture and is involved in setting and achieving the government’s cultural policy goals. It has been a partner of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski in a number of initiatives, related to promoting the Danish language, literature, and culture in Bulgaria.

The Danish Lecturer Scheme aims at promoting knowledge and spreading information about Danish language, literature, and culture abroad by providing subsidies for the teaching of Danish at foreign universities. It is part of the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Danish language, literature, culture and society are taught and researched at over sixty universities worldwide. Twenty-six of them host visiting lecturers in Danish, one of them being Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski.

The Swedish institute (SI) is a Swedish public agency that promotes interest and trust in Sweden around the world. Its activities are related to international cooperation in various fields. The SI and the Scandinavian Studies Section at Sofia University have collaborated successfully throughout the years.

SI provides financial and organisational assistance to the teaching of Swedish language, culture, and literature at the Scandinavian Studies Section, as well as support to events, guest lecturers, purchasing training materials, scholarships for students and teachers, among others. For many years now, thanks to the Swedish Institute, the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies have had the honour to have a full-time lecturer from Sweden.

Diku – the Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education has been a partner of the Scandinavian Studies Sections for many years. Diku supports the teaching of Norwegian language and culture by providing funding for events, lecture visits from Norway, purchasing of teaching materials and scholarships for students and teachers. With the support of Diku, the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies has had a much-needed full-time Norwegian lecturer since 2015.

Erasmus+ for students at the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies

Each academic year, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski announces Erasmus+ mobilities for students under the Erasmus+ Programme. Students can apply at Sofia University’s Erasmus+ platform. There you will find a list of all Erasmus+ agreements of the Faculty for Classical and Modern Languages.

For more information, contact the Erasmus+ Coordinators at the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies:

Senior Assist. Prof. Ivan Popov (for the German Philology Section)

Senior Assist. Prof. Evgenia Tetimova (for the Scandinavian Studies Section)