Alumni and Careers

Thanks to their profound general philological, linguistic, communicative and cultural training, the graduates of the two sections of the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies have successful careers in various areas where their skills as mediators between countries and cultures are highly valued.

The professional experience, energy and ideas of our graduates are a resource on which the Department relies for its sustainable and successful development. We hope that thanks to the Alumni platform, the contacts of the Department with the specialists who have completed their training in the German Philology and Scandinavian Studies degree programmes, will become more active.

Opportunities for fruitful cooperation include, but are not limited to:

• meetings with current and former students for sharing professional and personal experience and establishing a network of contacts;

• participation in projects, that are initiated by the two sections at the Department;

• establishing mutually beneficial partnerships;

• development of training courses and internship programmes, focusing on the practical training of students;

• re-establishing contact with former fellow students, that we have lost contact with through the years, by registering in our database with contact information about former students;

• maintaining a strong and united community of German Philology and Scandinavian Studies graduates by celebrating traditional holidays and organizing informal meetings.

Everyone who has registered in the database with contact information about former students will gain access to a new channel for:

Exchange of information about events, initiatives and projects

The platform provides an opportunity to spread information about events, initiatives and projects among current and former students of both sections.

Publishing job announcements

The platform facilitates direct contact with young people fluent in German and Scandinavian languages by allowing employers to share job and internships announcements, as well as other opportunities for professional career.

We will be happy if you share your ideas and proposals for cooperation at the Department’s e-mail address:

The Alumni Club at Sofia University maintains the strong connections between the alumni and their Alma Mater

The mission of the Career Centre at the Faculty for Classical and Modern Languages is to promote sustainable collaboration between the Faculty and the employers