Call for papers for Volume 4 of the Journal for German and Scandinavian Studies (2024)
Публикувано на January 21, 2024 |
Категории: Германистика,Скандинавистика

The Journal for German and Scandinavian Studies is a national open-access scholarly electronic journal with double-blind peer review by independent referees. It is published by the Department of German and Scandinavian Studies at the Faculty of Classical and Modern Languages at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria.
For Volume 4 of the Journal, we welcome original research papers in all areas of modern German and Scandinavian Studies – literary studies, linguistics, translation studies, social sciences, history and culture of the German-speaking countries and the Nordic countries, intercultural communication, multilingualism, philosophy, theatre studies, history of art, and musicology. The language of the submission may be English, German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish or Bulgarian.
The journal is included in the National Reference List of Contemporary Bulgarian Scientific Publications with Scientific Review. The journal is published and indexed in CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Crossref and Google Scholar.
Submission deadline: 1 June 2024.
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