News and Events2021-04-03T09:58:25+02:00

News and Events

Award ceremony for the winners of the yearly Danish-language essay competition

The award ceremony for the winners in the yearly Danish-language essay competition organised by the Hans Christian Andersen Centre for Research and Information at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark in Bulgaria was held on 30th May 2022 in the Nordic Star Hall at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Skrivekonkurrence: Hvordan har Dronning Margrethe II inspireret dig?

H.C. Andersen Center for Forskning og Information ved Skandinaviske Studier, Afdeling for Germanistik og Skandinavistik, Fakultet for Klassisk og Ny Filologi, Sofia Universitetet ”Skt. Kliment Ohridski” arrangerer i samarbejde med Den Danske Ambassade i Sofia dette års skrivekonkurrence, hvor temaet er: ”Hvordan har Dronning Margrethe II inspireret dig?” med udgangspunkt i H.M. Dronningens 50 års regeringsjubilæum i 2022.

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