Picture Book Seminar 2024: The Challenging Picture Book
Публикувано на April 21, 2024 |
Категории: Скандинавистика

On 15 and 16 April, the Picture Book Seminar 2024: The Challenging Picture Book took place. It was organised by Lecturer Anne Marie Øines and the Scandinavian Studies Section with the support of the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills. On the first day of the seminar presentations were given by Anna Beate Storm-Larsen, Linda Wahlmann Olsen, Elisabeth Hovde Johannesen and Tone Cronblad Krosshus, scholars from The University of South-Eastern Norway who specialise in picture book research. A. B. Storm Larsen and L. Wahlmann Olsen presented papers on the work of illustrator Stian Hole and on the relationship between children and adults in Lejren by Oskar K. and Dorte Karrebæk, аnd Е. Hovde Johannesen and T. Cronblad Krosshus demonstrated and conducted with the audience an aesthetic learning process based on Stripekalven by Marit Kaldhol and Justyna Nyka and Mor by Kim Fupz Aakesson and Mette-Kirstine Bak. On the second day, renowned Norwegian illustrator and author Svein Nyhus presented English-language lectures on the characteristics of the picture book genre and on his work together with Gro Dahle with a focus on Sinna mann and Blekkspruten and conducted a workshop on picture book writing. |